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New Patient Center

Welcome to Compass Family Chiropractic! If you’re visiting with us for the first time, we’d like you to know exactly what to expect. We want to provide you with an experience that makes you feel confident in choosing us to help you feel great again.

Our office atmosphere has often been described as fun and vibrant with a feel-good vibe. We hope you think so, too.

Your First Visit

Your first visit will take about 45 minutes. When you enter the office, you’ll be warmly greeted by one of our friendly team members and invited to sit down to complete your new patient intake forms. You’ll then be introduced to one of the doctors, and our team will conduct a thorough assessment, including:

  • A consultation / thorough history
  • Spinal and nervous system examination
  • Chiropractic postural X-rays, if necessary

Your Second Visit

Your second visit will take 20-30 minutes. During this appointment, the doctor will review your examination, scan and X-ray findings with you to help you understand the source of your problem. She’ll then propose a customized care plan to help you achieve your health goals.

You’ll then receive your first gentle chiropractic adjustment.

Ongoing Care

Most of our patients enjoy feeling their best while under consistent chiropractic care. Because we don’t live in a vacuum, we’re always at the mercy of a multitude of stress-related events, from poor nutrition and a toxic environment to anxiety or chronic spinal or muscular issues. Our motto? Help your body to adapt to stress so that you’re not consumed by it.

We’ll assist you in learning exactly how to do that through one of our Wellness Orientation Workshops. In the meantime, don’t waste any more time not living up to your potential; contact us today for a convenient appointment!



Compass Family Chiropractic | (770) 452-0022